The historic town of Telč is one of the most beautiful cities in the Czech Republic, mainly thanks to the main square with a number of Renaissance colored houses with characteristic facades. Its architecture is reminiscent of Italy and thus belongs to very unusual cities in Moravia.
After the invitation of Italian architects to Telč in the 16th century, the city turned into a real pearl of Renaissance architecture. The architects did a great job and thanks to them the city gained a high cultural standard. Not only Czech but also foreign tourists visit Telč to this day, and it is no wonder that in 1992 it was also included in the UNESCO World Heritage Site.
Telč-My travel diary
I have never been to the Polish city of Poznan. However, according to the pictures, it is Telč incredibly reminding me Poznan. The main square is a beautiful, real fairy tale that is really worth to see. In addition to the square, you will find a castle in this city, which is situated right next to the square. So basically you don’t have to go anywhere outside the center to see it. However, the truth is that the main square is the most important and at the same time the most interesting thing one has to see here. Honestly there aren’t any other intresting places to see. So if I have to evaluate it objectively, I would advise staying there for about two hours. If you want to enjoy the atmosphere of a Renaissance square, I recommend having lunch there or sitting in one of the many cafes there.
I was really on the turn in Telč and I spent about two hours there having lunch. However, I connected this trip with a visit to a nearby Czech castle called Červená Lhôta, which I wanted to see for a long time. In addition, the castle is becoming more attractive due to the fact that Goldilocks (Zlatovláska) were filming there.
In addition to tourists, Telč also liked the directors of Báthory and Pyšná princezná. No wonder they chose this city as one of their most famous films.
Are you interested in Telč? Be sure to visit Český Krumlov or Brno. This cities has been ranked several times in lists of the most beautiful places in the world. However, the capital of the Czech Republic and thus Prague cannot be missing among such cities as well.